Episode X – Puppets Protest / When a boat is sinking the sailors’ voice is unheard.

Apparently The Second Stringers were floating on a slender boat when suddenly it dashed on the shore of a big continent. Their dizzy country man spread around this new kingdom setting up little tents and speaking a different language that never stopped to post its secrets. Many remained on the boat fretting their gizzard to chink and cork the slippery deck. But nobody noticed when their commander uncorked their work and cruised again. Where were they floating this time? Nobody knew. They only found out their commander is determined to take them to destination.

In the meantime The Second Stringers were waiving their white handkerchiefs from the bank of The Land of Marionettes. The wind was taking their voices. So they stopped screaming from their little finger throats. Who would have known their acts will be captured by the surveillance recorders?
Let’s hear what they said.

Gron: The commander kidnaped the Fingerlanders!!!!  We have to save them. Let’s call the fireman!!

Bipolic: The fireman is lost! Maybe they wanted to go with the commander. In this case, there is nothing to do about that.

Tulip: Of course they wanted! Is their boat! They have all the rights to take back the hull and determine a new destination.  Mister B is the intruder.

Gron: They should fling him overboard!

Tulip: They are trying. But you see, the commander have control over the cabin. And he’s not coming out.

Mely: All hands must struggle to take over the ship. A new commander has to take its place.

Gron: Listen to them. They are asking for help. Oh, my god. They released the beast. The captain’s daughter [i] is at work!!!

Tulip: Someone has to take control over the ballast tank. There is no other way.

Bipolic: Don’t be naïve. There is no one there who knows how to do it.

Tulip: Someday I will kick your bloody face!

Mely: Don’t start it. Look! The boat is sinking! There is no one to rescue the Fingerlanders???

Bipolic: When a boat is sinking the sailors’ voice is unheard.  Our little puppets must take control over the cabin and save themselves. This could happen only if there is someone among them who really knows how to sail!!!

[i] a type of multi-tailed whipping device that originated as an implement for severe physical punishment, used on board on the captain’s personal orders

Episode 8 / Traveling by Planet Earth

Some people travel by cars, trains or planes. Other just walk to their destination, a destination that was always planned before. Some would name this as an “essential truth”: people go somewhere. No matter what language you use to describe the action of ´going´, a destination is always implied.
“I am going to the supermarket”, “I am going to meet some friends”, “I am going to New York”, “I am going for a walk”. You might question this last statement. If someone says to you, “I am going for a walk”, there is no destination marked on your mind map. But the walker/traveller will know that he or she would get to a certain destination without having a pre-set plan.
Even when you say: “I am going nowhere”, you are still going somewhere. We all have our own map where we leave a blank space to call “nowhere”. Then we draw randomly dispersed elements to create the theatrical set of our “nowhere”. By this time, ´nowhere´ is very clearly described in our minds. Again, you may argue with me. You may tell me that ´going nowhere´ implies lack of activity which is contradictory to ´going somewhere´. But Mely Stringers found a way of traveling when not going anywhere. And this is not a metaphor! I am going to let you into his thoughts. 

Mely’s thoughts: The first dream I can recall was seeing the world. I was “me” from the moment when my craft man touched the piece of clay that became “Mely”. I smile when I remember how the craft man insisted on shaping and reshaping my features. As if my eyes were not good enough to see or my cheeks were not good enough to describe who I am. Then he drew the colour of my eyes, eyebrows and my downsloping mouth line. And every one said: “Mely is a sad character”. But my craft man already knew I wasn’t sad. I was just very anxious to see the world. Because I was “me” even before I had any shape, my desire to see the world was deepened in every feature. That is why the craft man worked so hard to make me, trying again and again to control his moves on my face, crafting my features again and again. Washing my face several times until no lines or hills were left on my piece of clay, he started me from the beginning.  But I must admit: only when I was complete could I start to see the world.
I started to travel using buses and trains, planes and cars; to walk using the hand of my puppeteer. I have seen the ocean and the desert; I have seen houses made in the ground and houses made from the ground over ground. I have seen puppets made of wood and wool, paper and plastic, metal and sand. I then arrived at this huge Land of Marionettes where I found all the species of puppets ever crafted in the world together in one place. And this changed my perspective of the world. It became so clear that the vision of the world lies in every eye that you look into; it is spoken by every mouth one has ears to hear.
And one day I looked to the sky: it was still daylight but I could see the moon. An hour later, the moon was in a different place. An “essential truth” of course!  Deep in the night I could see the moon at the opposite side. Only then I realised I was traveling by Planet Earth. I was sitting in the same position but the earth took me to see the universe and rotated me to see all the visible points of the universe.
Sometimes I get closer to the moon, sometimes I get closer to the sun. But when I want to see the world, I just need to sit and wait for the Planet Earth to move. And she will take me on a long journey through the universe.